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how to distinguish Fast recovery diode and Schottky diode2018-08-23 11:10:41
how to distinguish Fast recovery diode and Schottky diode

Fast Recovery Diodes and Schottky Diodes are used by many customers in the electronics industry, but occasionally customers fail to understand the difference between them. As a diode manufacturer with more than 10 years of professional production experience, Juxing Electronics will give you a brief explanation.

 A Schottky diode is characterized by low power consumption, high current, ultra-high speed, this semiconductor device switching speed is very fast, reverse recovery time can be as small as a few nanoseconds (generally less than 20nS), forward guide voltage drop is only 0.4V. The rectifier current can reach thousands of safety. Suitable for working in low voltage, high current environment, the daily life of the common electrical appliances - computer, its host power output rectifier diode used Schottky diode.

 Fast recovery diode is a new type of semiconductor device, which has good switching characteristics, short reverse recovery time (generally three high-grade FR: 75-500nS, HER: 35-75nS, SF: 35nS below), high forward current. It has the advantages of small volume and easy installation. It can be used as a rectifier and reflow diode with high frequency and large current. It has been widely used in switching power supply, pulse width modulator (PWM), uninterrupted power supply (UPS), high-frequency heating, AC motor variable frequency speed control and other electronic devices. It is a very promising power and the electronic semiconductor device.

For more information and prodcut,  please feel free to  contact our sales: Anita 18929598080 QQ:2850567626 email& skype:sales02@trr-jx.com